Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dealing with unbearable pain, along with other medical problems

here I am at 5:30 AM Eastern time. For the past ten years I have had severe back/bone pain. As of now nothing is helping and it is becoming unbearable. Anyone who has this kind of pain knows what I mean and if you don't, thank God. I have a wife and two kids and I feel like I am missing life go by. Sometimes I feel like my life is an episode on TiVo that I have to catch up on after its played live.

I also have a blood clot in my left leg. This is called a Deep Vein Thrombosis or DVT for short. I am bringing this up because it is a serious silent killer. if the clot breaks lose the clot goes to your lungs leading to a pulminary embolism. In 2005 I had several Pulmanary Emboli in my left lung and got very lucky. If by writing this one person is saved than it was worth the embarrassment of posting it. A DVT feels like a pulled muscle. When I had my first one I woke up one day and had a pain in my left calf. The pain felt like I had pulled the muscle however with my back I am not active enough to have done anything to pull it. It was like this for around three weeks and got progressively worse. than one day at work i was walking to the copier and "poof" it was gone. No pain, nothing. At the time I was happy because of the fact that it was annoying more than anything else. The next day my chest started to hurt. I was 28 and thought I was just sick, mybe a chest cold or msomething similar. The pain got worse over the next couple days. Finally one night I started coughing and blood came up. of course at this time I realized something wasn't right but I had never heard of a DVT so I scheduled an appointment with my family Dr. At the visit I mentioned the "pulled muscle" and he sent me to the hospital for a STAT Cat scan of my lungs. This Literally saved my life. I spent a couple weeks in the hospital and took blood thinners for around a year in a half. Now that I have had a second clot I will be on this medicine for life. The point is please be aware of this. It can save your or someone you loves life.

How does this have anything to do with my that I have a huge clot in my leg, no Dr will touch me. It is very disapointing. It is almost as if I am being opunished for something that I have no control over!

We will see how much longer I can handle this pain. It feels as if a knife is being stabbed into my ribcage and tailbone all day long.

OK, the suns up now and I am going to try to get my routine 3 hours sleep. Happy days all!

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